the business of writing
You hear the term “work-life balance” in a lot of work environments. I think about it often in terms of the “work-write balance,” because my life revolves so heavily around writing when myRead More…
You hear the term “work-life balance” in a lot of work environments. I think about it often in terms of the “work-write balance,” because my life revolves so heavily around writing when myRead More…
Once in a while, one of my characters will say something that really grabs me, like, “That must be a lovely dress you’re wearing beneath the remains of my treasured flowers.” ButRead More…
After I inadvertently sent a writer’s group into a tizzy over the made-up adverb “boredly,” I got to thinking about the rules of writing. There is some great literature available about howRead More…
When I first started thinking about my novel seriously again, my mind went straight to traditional publishing, but I thought, if all else fails, maybe I can self publish. I think aRead More…
So here I am, writing my first blog post, when I shouldBnoveling. Okay. I admit. That was a little cheesy. But I’m building a brand, and I’m pretty excited about it. ThisRead More…
Cras id rhoncus diam. Praesent pharetra justo sed velit tempus, non pulvinar tortor tempor. Maecenas elementum consequat orci, eget fermentum erat adipiscing porta. Nunc et lorem eu metus pretium ultrices. Nam pharetraRead More…
Donec laoreet lacus ut sapien placerat, ut molestie est molestie. Donec adipiscing purus eget ultrices adipiscing. Nullam tempus rhoncus tellus egestas euismod. Nulla sed feugiat felis. Fusce molestie est nec magna aliquet,Read More…
Aliquam tristique, metus id rhoncus scelerisque, arcu dolor volutpat est, sed iaculis urna purus et felis. In in lectus placerat diam venenatis auctor a nec ligula. Suspendisse gravida nisl a sapien scelerisque,Read More…
Nunc tristique rutrum euismod. Quisque vestibulum, velit eget tincidunt egestas, dui est varius elit, sit amet ullamcorper lacus mi quis mi. Maecenas dapibus ipsum at urna viverra venenatis. Morbi odio dui, fermentumRead More…
A sodales lectus ultricies. Aenean consectetur diam vitae augue tincidunt fermentum eget id felis. Integer sed ligula eu erat pharetra rutrum. Sed id scelerisque velit. Nam non pharetra turpis, nec malesuada massa.Read More…